Index VEX

  • While loop
  • Loop over array
  • Short IF statement
  • Relax Based on Pscale
  • Data Type
  • Global Variables
  • 16bit VDB's
  • Uniqueval Loop
  • Pscale from ID
  • Normalize Pieces
  • Intersections
  • Delete Random
  • Vex Noises
  • Split Name
  • Index Tips

  • Camera Scale Fix
  • Gas Reduce info
  • Repeat Solver
  • Resize Only Current Cluster
  • Timeshift inside looper
  • Index Hscript

  • loop in parameter

  • While loopTop

    int count;
    while(conditionis !=1)

    Loop over arrayTop

    float arrayName [];
    float value[];
    int countarray= len ( arrayName);
    for(int i = 0; i<countarray; ++i)
            value [i] = ch("parm") == 0 ? ch("parm2"): 1 ;

    Short IF statementTop

    // example of (condition) ? true : false;
    @value = (a > b) ? 1 : 0;
    //nested example of (condition) ? (condition) ? both true : second true : false;
    @value = (a > b) ? (a < c) ? 2 : 1 : 0 ;

    Relax Based on PscaleTop

    //RELAX BASED ON PSCALE ( push overlaping from each other)
    //put this snippet in SOP foreach and fetch feedback, not merge feedbacks
    //with more iterations, it will average point positions
    int handle[] = pcfind_radius(0,"P","pscale",@pscale,@P,@pscale*1.5,2);
    pop(handle,0); //remove itself from array. pop() or removeindex()
    vector pos,dir;
    float pscale,dist,dirlen;
    foreach(int pt; handle)
        dist=(pscale+@pscale-dirlen)/2; //get distance

    Data TypesTop

    f@	float
    u@	vector2
    v@	vector3
    p@	vector4
    i@	int
    2@	matrix
    3@	matrix3
    4@	matrix
    s@	string

    Global VariablesTop

    //Volume Wrangle
    v@dPdx, v@dPdy, v@dPdz  //Store the change in P that occurs in the x, y, and z voxel indices.
    i@ix, i@iy, i@iz        //Voxel indices. For dense volumes (non-VDB) these range from 0 to resolution-1.
    i@resx, i@resy, i@resz

    16bit VDB's Top

    setprimintrinsic(0, 'vdb_is_saved_as_half_float', @primnum, chi('use16bit'));
    // See if this is vector type
    string vecmask = chs('vecvolume');
    if (match(vecmask, @name))
        setprimintrinsic(0, 'vdb_vector_type', @primnum, 'contravariant relative');

    Uniqueval Loop Top

    int count = nuniqueval(0,"point","name");
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    string val = uniqueval(0,"point","name",i);

    Pscale from ID Top

    @pscale = fit01( chramp( "r" , rand( i@id ) , 0) , chf( "min" ) , chf( "max" ) ) * chf( "global" );

    Normalize Pieces Top

    #Put it in foreach looper to iterate over each piece.
    vector size = getbbox_size(0);
    vector center = getbbox_center(0);
    vector pos=v@P-center;
    vector scale = 2/max(size);
    matrix m=maketransform(0,0,0,0,scale);

    Intersections Top

    v@P.y+=10; //offset ray origin
    vector pos;
    float u,v;
    intersect(1,@P,{0,-100,0},pos,u,v); // intersect in negative Y
    v@P=(pos!=v@P)?pos:v@P; // keep only hits

    Delete random Top

    float treshold = pow(chf("treshold"),chf("pow"));

    Split NameTop


    Vex NoisesTop

    referenced from Timucin Ozger

    vector freq = {1,1,1}; 
    vector offset = {0,0,0}; 
    float amp = 0; 
    int turb = 5; 
    float rough = 0.5; 
    float atten = 1; 
    onoise(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    snoise(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    anoise(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_correctperlinNoiseVF(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_correctperlinNoiseVV(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_simplexNoiseVF(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_simplexNoiseVV(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_perlinNoiseVF(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp
    vop_perlinNoiseVV(@P*freq - offset, turb, rough, atten) * amp

    Split NameTop


    Camera Scale FixTop

    //when scaling camera with null,
    //jump inside alembic, unhide scale parameter and set
    origin(opinputpath(".",0), "", "SX")
    origin(opinputpath(".",0), "", "SY")
    origin(opinputpath(".",0), "", "SZ")

    Gas Reduce infoTop

    //GAS REDUCE node will give you maximum or average or other operation on field.
    //in Dest Data put temperature/max , in Source put temperature , set operation.
    //it will push max data inside field.
    //you can read those data on parameter with
    dopfield(stamps("../..", "DOPNET", "../.."),stamps("../..", "OBJID", arg(dopnodeobjs("../.."),0)), "temperature", "Options", 0, "max")

    Repeat SolverTop

    //in dopsolver beneath substep gas node create repeatsolver and turn on "override minimum with data"
    //create applydata node beneath smokeobject node and plug switch value node in it.
    //in switch value node, set dataname field to match name with "minimum Solve pass data" field from gasrepeat
    //set swich node default operation to "Set always" and you can animate parameter for repeats..
    ( many explosion have quick expansion on begining and then slows down. this trick can achieve that look!)

    Resize Only Current ClusterTop

    //to set resize for each cluster in pyro sim, you need to break in dynamic resize node and inside foreach in wrangler pull dopfield data of cluster number:
    dopfield(stamps("../..", "DOPNET", "../.."),stamps("../..", "OBJID", arg(dopnodeobjs("../.."),0)), "init", "Options", 0, "init_cluster")
    //then beneath objectmerge (sop source data)
    //generate id from name
    atoi(split(@name,"_")[1]) //assuming name look like cluster_0, cluster_1, etc..
    //then you can comapare and remove
    //check Trail cluster data node in Assets page, you can see this method implemented in explanation video

    Timeshift indide looperTop

    //create wrangler node and input geometry from looper to 2nd input,
    then geometry outside of looper in 1st input.
    Match name, if name match as a piece inside looper(2nd input),
    delete everything else, then you can set timeshift and offset geometry.
    int matching = match(s@name,prim(1,"name",0);

    loop in parameterTop

    	return 2;
    else if(ch("path")==1)
    	return 1;
    	return 0;